

  • RESKUE works better and faster and gives longer lasting results.
  • RESKUE applies a powder coating on the leaves and protects against all pests and diseases.
  • Helps plants to resist soil fungal diseases like root rot, nematodes etc..
  • RESKUE is very helpful in controlling all stages of the problem of fungus and every type of worms.
  • RESKUE works effectively against mill bugs, thrips, white flies etc. and all kinds of sucking insects.
  • Very helpful in protecting against pests and diseases in all crops, and shows unusual differences against the effects of changing climate.

Recommended Dosage:

  • Preparation of soil :- Use 3 to 4 kg mix for 1 acre with any type of fertiliser and organic manure Pump spray :- Use 75 to 100 grams each time in a 15-litre pump


  • Improves physical, chemical, & biological properties by reducing salts present in the soil.
  • Improves the quality of all types of crops, vegetables, helps increase soil porosity, & stimulates nutrient absorption.
  • It is easy to apply as it is available in 10 mm-sized granules.